Crispy Mashed Potato Wedges

Crispy Mashed Potato Wedges

Oct 03, 2020Julie Ginsler

I love the science behind cooking and I recently discovered that if you parboil your potatoes in a baking soda bath before roasting them, your result will be a delicious crispy mashed potato wedge. Who knew??? Parboiling in alkaline (baking soda) breaks down the surface of the potato creating lots of starchy surfaces. Then when you toss with olive oil and roast in the oven, the result is a crispy crunchy outside with a creamy mashed potato center packed with flavor. This is fun for kids of all ages who love to learn a new kitchen trick. (Thanks to

Potato Ingredients:
• 3 pounds Idaho Potatoes (about 3 large potatoes)
• 2 TBLS Kosher Salt
• ½ tsp baking soda
• 3 TBLS vomFASS Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. This recipe maximizes the crisp to creamy contrast of every chunk of potato. The recipe for the potatoes may seem a little strange, but you will love the results.
2. Peel and cut potatoes into 1 ½ inch chunks. Bring 2 quarts of water in a large pan to boil. When water comes to boil, add salt, baking soda and potatoes. Return to a boil, then simmer potatoes about 10-12 minutes after returning to a boil. Knife should be easily inserted without much resistance and they should start to look starchy.
3. Preheat oven to 450 F
4. Drain potatoes and let them sit in a colander for 3-5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, toss with the olive oil to coat, add salt and pepper to taste. You will begin to see a thick layer of ‘mashed potato paste’ build up on the outside of potatoes. This is very good.
5. Transfer potatoes to a large rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Do not crowd. They should not be touching. Roast for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, shake the tray and turn potatoes. Continue cooking for another 30-40 minutes longer until potatoes are golden brown and crisp all over.
6. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce or as a side like with the Salisbury steak above.

Recipe Tips: Add additional seasonings like garlic, rosemary, sage, onion powder before roasting—add to olive oil, then toss potatoes

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Julie Ginsler-vomFASS-Cary

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