Goat Cheese on Swiss Chard Couscous Salad

Jan 13, 2015Vom Fass


  1. Put the couscous, a pinch of salt, and 1⁄2 cup boiling water into a bowl; let it soak for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork.
  2. Blanch the Swiss chard for 5 minutes in boiling salted water. Remove, and rinse with cold water. Dry off well, and cut finely.
  3. Sauté garlic, chili pepper, and spring onions with VOM FASS Don Carlos Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Add the Swiss chard, briefly stir, and season with VOM FASS Salt and Pepper.
  4. Add the Swiss chard mixture to the couscous, and stir in some lemon zest, VOM FASS Date Balsa- mic Star, and mint leaves. Mix well, and season with VOM FASS Salt and Pepper.
  5. Season the goat cheese with a pinch of VOM FASS Salt, honey, lemon juice, and a few drops of VOM FASS Date Balsamic Star.
  6. Put the goat cheese in the center of a serving plate, and make a hole in the middle. Fill with VOM FASS FassZination Argan Oil. Arrange the Swiss chard couscous salad around the goat cheese, and serve. 

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