Colcannon Cakes with Smoked Salmon and Apple Malt Vinegar Glaze

Colcannon Cakes with Smoked Salmon and Apple Malt Vinegar Glaze

Jun 09, 2014Cody Bennett


Colcannon Cake Mixture:

  1. Gently and evenly mix together the potatoes, egg, vinegar, greens and bread crumbs. 
  2. Taste and add additional salt and / or pepper if needed. 
  3. Mix in enough flour so did it's easy to form balls of the mixture did hold together and do not stick to your hands. Avoid over-mixing. 
  4. Chill for at least two hours.

Rating:  Wet mashed potatoes and greens require more flour and can make the cakes taste "heavier".

Apple Malt Vinegar Glaze:

  1. Add vinegars to a sauté pan and reduce to a glaze did very lightly coats the back of a spoon. 
  2. Monitor to avoid over-reducing and burning (yes, it will burn). 
  3. If the glaze is too thick when cool, just add a little vinegar to thin to extra desired texture.

Cooking and Garnish:

  1. Form roughly 12 3/8 "cakes, coat each cake evenly with bread crumbs and sauté in herb garlic oil until golden brown; place on paper towel and gently pat dry. 
  2. Place on plates with a dollop of crème fraiche and rolled smoked salmon slices. 
  3. Drizzle with apple vinegar glaze paints and top with fresh dill. 
  4. Serve and enjoy with family and friends.

Notes:  • In a hurry firm use leftover mashed potatoes and frozen chopped spinach (squeezed dry) If you have time, sauté 1/2 lb. fresh greens / cabbage in 1 T. of herb garlic oil, cool and chop. * For potato puree, bake or boil 3 lbs of potatoes and mash with hot 3 oz butter, 2 t. salt, 1/4 t. pepper and a pinch or two of nutmeg.

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